Recommendation for specific amp (must have 110 /220V) switch

So my career will take me from the USA to EU and then back....I will stay about 2 years in EU before coming back.
Since the company will pay for full service relocation - I can pretty much pack anything and everything my heart desires - which will include most of my system (speakers obviously are not power depended and my current pre-amp as well as the source can be switched between different Voltage with a simple switch on the back.

I can't seem to find a good ($5,000 to $7,000) amp that could do it as well.
I have been fan of tube amps and prefer their sound but could go SS.

The thinking is that if I have to move and everything will be packed by a professional company and deliver from door to door - I would prefer to retain my system now and through the round trip....rather than buying the amp in EU and then 2 yrs later worry about selling it back before coming back.... 

Wonder if you have any recommendations....

thank you 
yogiboy - I stand corrected....apparently there are some V-converters that are relatively manageable in size and price and are rated up to 5000W - which in theory should be enough to run an amp.... However, I am reading mixed reviews on them....and even the manufacturers recommend to buy units which are 3 to 4 times the maximum expected power my older Ref 110 was pulling 800W.... so I should be looking for something in the 3000W .
Not sure how clean power those deliver and they are reported to run very hot when running for more than 30 min..... I would need to be sure I can run it for hours.....

George - thanks for the tip on Cary CDP..... I assumed that if it says "Power consumption configured at the factory...." that basically means I can’t change that myself but it would require some configuration changes to the actual parts.....not as easy as just a fuse (I would not hesitate to do change that myself, but I would refuse to do any soldering.... I have done it for "cheap" parts or equipment, but I won't do it in a $5000 amp) 
AS for JC5 - I will have to check with Parasound ....unlike the preamp and CDP from them....the JC5 doesn’t have the switch on the back to change from 110V to 220V

Good advice all around - t hank you ALL !
but I would refuse to do any soldering....
This looks to be the exact same power input board as my Cary 300/200 was, and all it took was to move the two fuses to the other positions below them, NO SOLDERING, just pull them out and push them back in again. The voltages are marked on the fuse board.
As I bought 3 or 4 of them from the US110-115v to Australia 220-240v and did the conversion for my customers.

Cheers George
See what I mean, this was the 303/200 I did the change on, identical input board

Cheers George