I’m happy with my Salk streamer into an oppo Sonica DAC. The Salk is reasonably priced, works great as a Roon Core, streamer, and server. Can be had with a SSD, and upgraded power supply.
My CDs are all ripped so transfer was a snap. I don’t want the hassle, expense, and noise from a cd drive, so there is that.
That said, short of music I can’t get via qobuz or tidal (tool, Metallica) I don’t see needing to rip again.
So, the unit I might look today at is the matrix audio element X. Top of the line DAC built in, and measurements were outstanding on Audio Science Review. Best measurements they have run. 3k.
I think a lot of what it comes down to is if you want an outboard DAC or not.
But if you see yourself streaming a lot more than using your ripped music, having the Dac built in with the streamer offers a lot of advantages.