Recommendations for upgrade

Hi fellow audiophiles,
I’m working on my bucket list speaker selection and having a difficult time.Currently I have the Aerial 10T’s (first version). I’m thinking of a selection between Absolute Sound considered great values Wilson Yvettes or Magico S3 Mk ll’s or maybe something else in that price range. I live in South Florida and one of the greatest problems is trying to hear more than one of any possible choice at the same time because most dealers do not carry enough brands.I mostly listen to Jazz and some classical. Any thoughts from you folks out there in the audiophile world would be greatly appreciated.
Based on your musical taste I would second a listen to the Maggie's. They do present jazz real and life like. Space and budget permitting you could even try the new 30.7
I am using Martin Logan ESL 11 A's and love them. they offer up amazing clarity in sound and sound great with any type of music
B&W 800 D3. Plays everything well and you won’t miss the bottom end from your 10T’s. If a little outside your budget look for a used pair. Definitely a speaker worth listening to on your journey.
Here’s a nice pair of Nola Baby Grand References that will be tough to beat for $25k -- original MSRP of $72k. Bucket list speakers indeed.
Thanks to all of you for your advice.

In answer to SOIX’s questions:

I would like to improve the systems resolution, soundstage, imaging and dynamics.

Room Dimensions:

23.1’ x 14.6’

Turntable, Goldman Studio

CD Player, Oppo 205

Preamp,Mark Levenson 380s
Amplifier,Mark Levenson 333 (300 watts perchannel)