"Loom" cabling vs. 'mix n match' ?

I want to use a new set of cables for my awesome Moon 780D DAC v2 - - including a power cord, an AES/EBU input from the Moon 260D Transport,  and  RCA IC's (into a Shindo Giscours preamp).  I've read good things about Acrolink-Mexcel, Shunyata, Nordost and Purist among others.  But is there an advantage to using the same manufacturer for all cable types in and out of the Moon ?  Or might the cumulative effect be too much of a good thing which would be better improved by intermingling brands ?
Dr. John
Post removed 
I used to be of the mindset that a "loom" set from one supplier was best, going down the ever widening rabbit hole of Nordost cables.

Finally woke up, sold the lot and read a little more and started to mix and match depending on what component and what "tonal" effect I might be trying to achieve.

Never looked back and definitely better off for it sonically and financially!

Would you mind sharing a bit of your path? I like Nordost a lot but my wallet doesn't like it so much.
you mean my current cabling ?  it's nothing serious, as I'd been playing a Wadia one-box S7i since 2009.  It's a discarded Audience power cord (hand me down from a friend who since ascended to the Vivaldi stack), a DH Labs 110 aes/ebu ($89) and siltech IC's also given to me. My new DAC deserves much better and I'm eyeing a loom of Acrotec-Mexcel wires because they're made of very very pure metals. I have their phono-cable 8N something which is the best cable in my system. Amp is a VAC Phi 300 amd speakers, Wilson ophia 3's.  I've been building up to this system since I was 28 when I built a Heathkit.  I'm 74 now. 

With all Nordost I found the sound was a little thin and lean although very detailed.

First area I started with was speaker cables replacing Purple Flare with Western Electric tinned copper cables.

I still really like Nordost digital cables, the Heimdall 2 spdif was an amazing cable but the analog and speaker cables combined left me a bit cold.