Where to listen

I currently live in Hawaii and there is just a single dealer (that I know of). He is good but with a very limited selection. We are thinking about getting new speakers but need to find a way to cover a sizeable amount of dealers in a single mainland trip. The speakers I am interested in are Wilson Audio Sashas, Magico V3, Focal Scala and the Kharma CRM3.2FE

Can anyone recommend an area, say with a 200 mile radius, that they could recommend dealers for the above products.

Contact Underwoodhifi.com
I believe that Walter is in Hawaii more than in Georgia???
I second the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. You may be surprised at your response to some of the really expensive systems you hear. So two ways to save money. Lots of items on sale and if you trust your own ears and not the hype you should be able to find speakers for far less that sound just the way you like.

Come by and visit our room in the tower. RM 914

I think that the recommendation to attend RMAF is a good suggestion. Dealer inventories and demo stock is very light because of the economy; you will be lucky if you can see or hear all of the specific brands and models you have listed in a given geographic area.

While Southern California is a good choice, I think that the San Francisco Bay area might be better (note - I live in SoCal). There are more high end dealers in a smaller area in the Bay Area, and Southern California dealers are, let's say... unique in their approach to customer relations and sales. This is not a universal pan of SoCal dealers - Brooks Berdan, for example, is a great guy and treats his customers well.
Thanks to everyone for responding. I will try RMAF next year and maybe combine it with a bay area/SoCal visit (make a nice vacation). I will be on travel for work during this years festival.
I made a trip to RMAF last year from the UK and had a great time. Take the time to look around Colorado, some stunning scenery. The show had a friendly atmosphere, perhaps because it is run by an audio society.
I chose my last speakers there, Daedalus DA-RMas and am very happy with them.
Do'nt leave a trip to long. I may be wrong, but I think 2012 is the last year it is gauranteed to continue. Organising the show must be a great burden to the Colorado Audio Society, particularly after the sad loss of Al Stiefel, the instigator.