Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank you. I think doing this stepwise does make the most sense for me. Getting an appropriate high current ss amp first with using the preamp of my Linn would buy me time. I've read that the preamp is better than the amp section on my Linn, so it should be fine for a while. I wouldn't go with Linn again, although it has been trouble free, I'd much rather follow the suggestions found on this forum when the time is right. Your knowledge and experience led me to the 3.5s and I'm thrilled with them, so why mess with success? I really do appreciate all the suggestions and advice offered here. I'm not one to cycle through gear, so I'm fine with waiting for the right amp. 
I have the thiel CS6 speakers and they are fantastic to my ears. I use the Aragon 8008 (1998 vintage) and Audible Illusions Modulus 3A preamp. I also use a BSP 400 mirage subwoofer (old but very effective) I use the SL1000 MK2 for my ablum collection.(31 yrs.young) The associated equipment and my cs6 speakers are nirvana for me.
Tom Thiel -

Perhaps an answer to your question re replacing with high current amps on 2.2's.  I recently pulled an Adcom 5300 away from the 2.2's and replaced it with an older Amber power amp still in good shape (this amp was noted for its current ability back in the old Absolute Sound days).  The change was pretty dramatic ..... bass firmly under control at all frequencies, making it sound much more "3.5-like".  I then substituted in Outlaw M200's, which did the same thing but a somewhat more laid-back mid-range.
Welcome! Good to see you here. I remember the Aragon brand from the 1990's.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.
Happy Listening!