Have Maggie 1.6s, looking to switch it up.

I have had my 1.6's for little bit now and can't help but wonder what a decent conventional speaker would sound like in my set up. Prior to the Maggies I had inexpensive bookshelf speakers, it has been years since I have heard a decent full range "box" speaker. Looking for recommendations for a good size floor stander in the $1000-$1500 range used. I have considered Gallos and Zu among others so far.
Thanks all, magfan I will switch them around and see how it sounds. I have also noticed that playing them out of phase can also produce some interesting results. I really love the sound of Maggies, I guess my curiosity is starting to get the better of me.
I've had panels for 30+ years.......starting with MG-1s. At one point I was forced to use them in a VERY small room.....almost a cube, really. about 10x10x8. it was a hard, awful but fortunately temporary space.
when installed 'normally' there was an awful 'image' in the upper left corner of the room.....from where I sat. Really weird. Since I used dual banana plugs with color coding, my relative phase was good.
I swapped 'em left / right and problem solved. Never revisited so I never figured it out. Nasty small room.

BWP, please give it a try. It's free and easy......and if there is a change to YOU, it may be for the better, as it was for me.
GOING FROM MAGS TO A BOX/why? At least try the above suggestions or Mods before making such a change.For what you are looking to spend you could have Peter Gunn OR Magnestand RE-WORK YOUR Mags cross over.You would have another speaker entirely.I have a pair of stock MG3-S.also have Von Schweikert VR-3,a box type speaker.The mags WIN HANDS DOWN.
I did switch the panels around and I can say it made a big difference. I suffered from a similar problem of my image being more focused towards my boundry wall on the right, switching the tweeter orientation really focused it. Just to clarify, I do not intend to get rid of the Maggies! Instead of swapping something new into my main rig, I think I will set up a smaller system in a separate room. I have always been intrigued by high efficiency systems so I will likely go for a HiEff floorstander with a low power tube integrated. My source will be my laptop running wirelessly through an Airport and into a MF VDAC, then the amp(same as main system). We frequently entertain so I think it would be interesting to get peoples thoughts on the different sounds, hi power/low efficiency vs. hi efficiency/low power. Off on a tangent now, thanks for the suggestions everyone!