Is rack between speakers always less than ideal?

I am planning a dedicated stereo system around a pair of standmounts but not sure what to do about gear placement. I can either have a tall rack off to the side or a low wide rack in the center. I am leaning toward center rack to avoid long interconnects.

The center rack would be 6 inches behind the plane of the rear of the speaker and would be about 75% of the speaker stand height. Width is approximately from the inside of one speaker to the inside of the other.

I understand that TV's and large objects directly in between the speakers can affect soundstage but what about something not technically between the speakers but slightly behind and below? Would something like this be sonically invisible, or would having "nothing" there be even better?
experiment and find out for yourself. it seems everything matters around here. ha. seriously there is an audio guru at linn[maybe he.s still there and maybe he's right] that thinks the transducer in the telephone colors the audio reproduction process. in my experience a lot of room around the speakers and nothing in between them is ideal...then room acoustics need attention,,,then isolation factors need attention and cable selection needs attention.. arn,t you sorry you asked.? really i,m sort of kidding but ideal would be put the audio system in the other room since you seem to know what gear to choose. i,m envious.. i did get rid of all my vibrapods when i tried the isonodes out. just a cheap tweak suggestion. thanks john
one other thought? go thru all the pictures of audiogoners systems and i would guess that 90 percent of the state of the art systems do not have a tv or rack between the speakers.. but ? what do they know? had to double dip couldn,t resist. thanks john
if the rack is an open air design I see no problem. I would avoid heavy solid wood furniture and glass.
Unfortunately I do not have the rack yet and buying one of each kind just to try out would be too expensive. Maybe a row of floor/amp stands are the answer.