New Qobuz User Comments

So, I bit the bullet and have Qobuz going for one month now. The Studio version, not the topmost tier. I cancelled Tidal because I wasn't happy with MQA sound and the relentless marketing of music I detest. I like Qobuz very much. The sound quality at all levels is outstanding IMO.  My only gripe is I can't organize my favorite albums by artist and for now I'm stuck with "date added" listing when streaming through a Lumin T2. Qobuz says they are working on this. On my phone or laptop, using just the Qobuz app, I can display albums alphabetically by Artist.  Via my phone, in the car, I have no dropout issues. When downloading Qobuz albums to my iPhone the download time is significantly faster than with Tidal. Finally, the Qobuz platform seems pretty stable and the music offered is sufficient.
I live in the Caribbean and many streaming services are geo-restricted, so my choices were limited. I started with Deezer. I enjoyed it for a while. I liked how it integrated with Shazam. It was simple to identify music and have instant access to a decent resolution of a song and the ability to easily sample more of a given artist.

I eventually dropped Deezer for Qobuz because the former doesn’t integrate with Roon. I like music period and try not to get too caught up in genres, specific artists or resolution. Qobuz offers a fairly decent mix of everything. The Roon integration is awesome as it allows me to seamlessly blend my CD collection (ripped to 16/44 flac) with Qobuz’ offerings.

I have the "CD quality" subscription and have no complaints. I’m probably not the best source for SQ recommendations though, as I’m a techie and did some human biology studies, so I know there ain’t no magic. I’m just grateful that my 53 year old ears still allow me to enjoy music, sweet music.

@three_easy_payments: I hear ya on the family plan wish for Qobuz. I would jump on that in a heartbeat. I have 6 kids and I’m tickled pink at how much my 3 year old already appreciates music.

@recluse, my DSL download speed max is 6 megabits, and in practice is usually around 5.5 - sometimes less. So far, after about a month, I have not had any trouble streaming hi res files from Qobuz. I do occasionally have a problem streaming movies, caused by the unreliable service provided by my phone company (Frontier), and I expect they will eventually interrupt my Qobuz streaming too. But to answer your question, 5 megabits per second should be sufficient for hi res files. 
I am in the 1st week of my trial period with Qobuz. While I do like the SQ and selection, I have 1 issue. Several days ago I got a 'welcome to Qobuz email from Sebastien' saying he will be my "special contact for any questions I may have"....well I did have a few questions. I replied to his email asking about the iphone app and if there was a tutorial on how to use it with Apple Carplay in my car.....I got no response. I have an iphone Xs with max storage so I could download songs/albums with the Qobuz app and play them in my car via a USB cable. Does anyone have any experience using the Qobuz iphone app for this purpose? Any suggestions? Thank you.
I go back and forth between both but prefer Tidal because they have more of artists I like within their hip/hop, jazz, soul, blues and electronic categories.
I'm very pleased with the SQ and performance of Qobuz. I did trials of Deezer and Tidal and since I listen to classical music, I chose Qobuz which has the deepest catalogue. The hires sounds terrific. Admittedly, it is lacking in the rock genre.

Considering that Qobuz has only been available in the US for a few months and is adding songs every day, I'm impressed.