Tekton Ufberts

Hello I am somewhat surprised that a Speaker from a Tekton doesnot even come with a instruction sheet ,or st least a pdf file online on a $12,000 speaker.
on the back of the speakers , there are 3 sets of terminals , but information what so ever.
if trywire whichi would think why  no straps to the otherconnectors.
a fellow Audiophile recently bought them ,and asked me since he didnot even get a owners manual.
can anyone shed some light on the3 sets of terminals on the back ? Thanks much .
Every single time I have heard Tekton speakers I have been incredibly underwhelmed and at times turned off.  
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Contuzzi then Tekton are not for you, find one that you will enjoy..Audioman find one that turn you on and overwhelm you, Any speakers that both of you likes?i am interested to know , Audiotroy might be able to help ...
Iam the opposite of Contuzzi and Audioman58 every time I heard my ps 12 and my impact moniitor , my jaw drop and enjoy both of them.i end up listening at least 4 hrs straight..
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