Horn Speaker Recommendations

I am looking for your feedback on what Horn speakers I should consider in the $15k-$40k price range.  Please describe the rationale for your recommendations.  
Oh, my...a large room?

Here is wild, crazy suggestion that many will not like, but exploring options IN YOUR ROOM is the best path to long-term music enjoyment:

Place the horn speakers you like best in the room with your gear and listen to your fav songs.

Remove them and replace them will Magneplanars in the same price range.


Good luck!


Not a fan of horns but I do think that something from Cessaro would be worth a look. Best I remember hearing. If you get horns be sure to power them adequately. I strongly favor more power from an OTL design over the lower powered SETs especially if you go with Avantegarde. I wouldnt waste my time with anything from Klipsch unless you want to spend time and money modifying them. Others rightly point out that with horns you sacrifice many things to get those wonderful dynamics and you should make certain that what horns do well are your top sonic priorities.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to listen to the Avantgarde Acoustics Uno Fino at HifiProfis in Frankfurt (I have Helsinki Gradients with Rythmik subs, combined w DSpeaker X4 for room correction in my main system, and I am completely happy with the sound except for ... life like dynamics at higher SPLs.)While I listened to the Uno Finos only for a short period of time, they sounded absolutely glorious. Space, dynamics, tonality, texture - voices, drums, jazz, symphony orchestra - just stunning.I am familiar with the sound of a Klipsch Horn and I believe there is no comparison.Then there is obviously the form factor and the superb craftsmanship.The eye wants to eat too.
On a more fundamental note, I am a scientist by background and earn a living by identifying breakthrough technologies. Hence I have a strong preference for products designed such that the primary focus is on parameters, which are well understood, and that these parameters are optimized with highest possible skill (i.e., the expertise of the designer is not limiting the outcome; e.g., if the focus is on building cabinets, one may not know very much about DSP) and free of dogmatic limitations. So - if there is a score for the degree of human ingenuity as value contribution (as opposed to simply going overboard with materials, size, weight, ...) the Uno Fino is really up there, too. They will be my next move.Btw, when it comes to the 'speed' of a speaker, especially a (sub-)woofer, it is my impression that this is not so much a function of the"speed" or rise time of the primary impulse. Rather, it is a function of decay, room interaction and (may be) distortion. Combine the room correction and crossover function of a DSpeakerX4 with a couple of good subs (e.g. Rythmik 15" sealed box) and you will be smiling.