Making a product to sell and the need for modernity

A long time ago, I saw a picture showing Focal's marketing rep talking to dealers. He proclaimed the Focal Sopra to be the best speaker ever, or something like that. In the picture he's showing a slide talking about the dimensions across which they weigh a new product, as well as how the sell it.

There were several dimensions which had nothing to do with sound quality, such as aesthetics, cost, etcetera and one of those dimensions has stuck with me ever since: modernity. The perception that a product is cutting edge.

Keep in mind, this is about perception, not function. The idea is that to sell a new speaker I have to convince you, the buyer, that you are buying something that is as up to date as possible. A related marketing dimension would be "novelty." That I have something for sale others do not.

Anyone who has shopped around for gear for more than a week knows what this means. Every quarter there are new products, which claim modernity and novelty. And every year I am struck by how few of these alleged innovations stick with us, or fail to prove themselves as ending all previous designs of the type.

Over the last 20 years, what modern or novel approach have you seen which has truly advanced in the marketplace, or which you think is under or over appreciated?


Well, thinking back that far it would have to be power. Power cords, power conditioners, all of that. Even today a lot of people still don't know about this. Or even worse, some poor souls actually doubt it matters. Which means it qualifies as under-appreciated as well.

Especially since even now when power conditioners and power cords have grown from a tiny nerd niche to fairly widespread use, even now the vast majority still fails to include wire and power right up there with speakers and amps in system budgeting. 

So yeah. Huge contribution. Has really stuck. And yet unappreciated.

Nailed it. What'd I win?
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Poor Erik. His parents go to all the trouble of spelling his name the coolest way, and to no avail ;-) .
The proliferation of Chinese, Hungarian and Russian vacuum tubes over the past two decades! Filling a need which we in the West no longer are willing to do!
Some modern innovations are truly extraordinary, and some are near worthless. It’s difficult to separate the two, you have to be lucky and also have the ability to tell when someone is being genuine, or not. Sometimes you just have to try things for yourself and that can be expensive, disappointing or embarrassing. Or mindblowing.

I think EMF blocking coatings are the new frontier. Especially for audio cable technology, but also for many other audio related uses.