Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Tom Thiel and Harrylavo:

Hello Tom, this is my first post in this forum. I have been posting only in the forums for the past few years. Today, I just found out that you are here. So, here I am too.

During the decades of owning my Thiel CS3.5 speakers, I have tried hundreds of amplifiers with them, and can remember my sonic result with just about all of them. Adcom NEVER sounded good with Thiels, no matter how much power. Together they sound bland, lacking in dynamics, and electronic (not natural). The Amber Series-70 was an excellent combination in every way, one of the best I ever heard. It had actually only about 60 wpc (but it was famous for a having a VERY large power transformer and capability to deliver high current to low impedance or wildly varying impedance speakers). The other excellent matches were Classe DR series amps, all Mark Levinsons, and all Krells. But when I started hearing tube amps with Thiels, I never went back to solid state with them. Even very low power tube amps sound REALLY great with Thiel CS3.5. In fact, I never found one tube amp that didn’t sound great with them. Even a 6 wpc SET amp from AES was awesome. Now I am using Audio Research Classic 120 mono amps with my CS3.7, and it is an impressive match with the CS3.5 also. I think $3000 for a pair of these amps is a bargain. With my 3.5s, I am still using my MFA (Moore Franklyn) M-120 amps in triode mode, 60 wpc. When listeners hear this system, they cannot believe that I have been listening to such great sound for about 30 years. Newer, comparable amps would be from Bruce Moore Design, but are expensive. So my advice is that just about any stereo tube amp, with at least 60 wpc, into the CS3.5 is pure heaven. With solid state, you need to be more careful to audition in advance, and don’t go lower than 100 wpc in power.

--Warren (AKA "Sandy")

I remember that the Aragon amps sounded very good with my Thiel speakers, too.
hi Warren,   great story.   i  bet the 3.7's are killer with the ARC amps.  wow what a combo. 
The ARC amps were just "quite good" with the stock Russian tubes. I really splurged, and bought 16 (8 per channel) NOS (and really new, never used) Tungsol 6550 tubes, USA made in the 1950s, for $175 each. And, WOW, they sound like different amps now, TOTALLY worth almost doubling their cost to me. Now they are indeed "killer" to my ears. Surprisingly, my CS3.5s don’t sound much different than my CS3.7s, with these amps. There is a consistency to the sound of all Thiel speakers that is truly impressive. Most speaker manufacturers have more variety in how their different speaker models have sounded. B&W is a prime example of this.

I totally agree with the ARC-Thiel synergy. My Ref5SE-Ref150 with my 3.6s are absolutely intoxicating. I'm not sure I want to risk the cost of tube rolling since the ARC-chosen Sovtek KT120s and 6H30s sound so sublime.