Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?

I'd like to replace my 20 year old Bryston 4B SST with a new amplifier, solid state or hybrid. I have been considering the 4B3 and the PS Audio BHK 250. Both got great reviews but I am a bit concerned about the midrange withe the 4B3 and I do not like the amount of heat that the BHK 250 is  reported to produce. I am thinking now of the PS Audio M700. These are efficient class D and do not produce much heat. The M700 has also been reviewed favorably. It's a stereophyle class A.
I appreciate any thoughts on this, an din particular if you have experience with these amps.
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Hello Elizabeth,

     Thank you.   I believe we're all afflicted in varying degrees with biases that are not useful in life, choosing an audio amp or in giving advice on choosing an audio amp.  Of course, these biases are more detrimental and consequential regarding some issues than others but a little self awareness never hurts.

   I'm glad we agree and I appreciate your comments of agreement.  Maybe there's hope for us disagreeable and biased humans after all.

Hello gammonit_2000,

Agreed, as long as you buy a model that still carries a 20 year warranty.  I believe Bryston reduced the length on some of their models.

I know the digital stuff is 5 years but AFAIK the amps and preamps are still 20 years.  I could be wrong, it has happened before.