Cd disc changers.

Just wondering if there are really any good high end cd changers that anyone would know about. I am thinking about adding one used. Thanks. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
There are no “high-end” changers.

As highlighted in the prior posts, they are discontinued legacy products found in the very low budget price point strata arenas found generally in thrift stores, on CRAIGSLIST and it’s equivalents, and popping up in neighbourhood garage sales. 

Sure... CD changers may offer a certain esoteric CD party spin convenience factor to a minority of audio nostalgia fans.

But... and it’s a big “BUT”...  they reside at the far bottom end of the budget to high-end audio component spectrum in both build AND audio performance.

I have an Anthem CD-1, a 6 cd changer from Sonic Frontiers second line, and I consider it high-end (or at least "high-endish.") No matter what you label it, it sounds very good, and the build quality is excellent. 
sorry for necrojacking this thread but I have to tell you:  the Philips CDC875 is a terrific changer and one of the only changers with the famous TDA1541A DAC (I opened mine to verify and it's the S1 version of TDA1541A).

Some say "no changer sounds good".  I think this Philips is very warm.  Newer DACs may be superior but if you want to go that route, just use the coax out!

I've had mine for years and the guy before me had it since new.  It's probably 20+ years old?  No troubles whatsoever
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