JCAT Femto USB Card

I would like bring awareness to something that has drastically changed my computer audio experience: the JCAT Femto USB card.

The USB was very easy to install specially since Win 10 Pro recognizes the card without installing a driver - true plug-n-play. I was initially unimpressed with the sound and decided to burn in the card by continuously feeding signal through it for a week. OK, now I'm impressed. The imaging is so surefooted/solid and are emerging from a black background that I'm now experiencing my system in a way I have not experienced before. Even bass and midbass produces a solid image. The soundstage has become well layered and has grown a bit in height possibly due to increased midrange clarity. I thought my computer setup was excellent which is why I did not anticipate such a great improvement. My system is very revealing and all components have been modified with upgrades such as capacitors, resistors, diodes, fuse swaps, etc. This upgrade is a large step toward realism and allows my system to show off it's capabilities. The JCAT USB Femto card is highly recommended.

I ordered from the highend-audiopc website and had a positive purchasing experience.

It's good to see new products in the small PC audio market. Hopefully, in time, we'll see better competition and prices.

The following links are photos of the installation. I posted a typo in the previous message: The correct screw size is 8-32 x 1/2".

You’ll notice a smaller heat sink in the photos. It’s the same size except the fins are much shorter. I used the shorter heat sink but I opted for the larger heat sink for good measure.

I almost used an entire container of 3.5 grams of Arctic Silver 5. I consider it an upgrade for the sake of thermal management.







@marcin_gps  I finally bought a linear power supply for the USB card. The jumper was set to "no filter". The soundstage is way more spacious and layered, digital glare is gone, detail is more realistic yet smooth, and bass is abundant and solid. It is imperative for the JCAT USB card to use an LPS. The power supply that I'm using is the UltraCap LPS 1.2 which was purchased directly from Uptone Audio. I regret not having purchased an LPS sooner.

I have a question about the,  JCAT Femto USB card.

I am wondering if using this card would improve the sound quality of my very entry level system?

Here is my equipment:

- HTPC (built it myself)
- Questyle CMA400i DAC
- Vincent Audio SV-500 Integrated Amp
- Martin Logan Motion 40 Speakers
- Jriver Software

I have also read that getting a better USB cable could also improve sound quality.

From my computer, I listen to the following formats of music: DSD, Qobuz and ripped CD's (FLAC).

I would say everything sound pretty good but am wondering if combo of the  JCAT Femto USB card. + better quality USB cable could produce significant improvements?

Would I need anything else? I was also reading about a power supply?

Is that a optional power supply that connects to the USB card and is it necessary?

And final question, I am assuming I would need to configure Jriver to work with the USB card, is that correct?

If anyone is interested you will get even better sound by getting yourself a JCat Femto Network card and your streaming will sound wonderful.