Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
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Morning DB,

    I want to respond to some of your recent comments and concerns on this post to consolidate the issues I believe we need to resolve so that you have a solid, thorough and clear plan for your combo music and HT system configuration in your new room that works conveniently, sounds extremely good and you approve of. I'll respond to your recently posted comments below and please let me know of any additional concerns you may have:

1. "Tim,
    It occurred to me that in addition to connecting the balanced output from the Oppo to the Ayre preamp I could connect the single-ended output to the NAD M22.   But then the Oppo can no longer trigger the NAD, because I don't want audio from both the Ref 1s and LS50s.  That's an inconvenience but it would save energy when just watching TV -- the reason behind two setups."
    I believe you're stating you'd prefer to use the NAD M22 amp when just watching TV to save energy. I've been reading a bit of your Ayre KX-5 preamp manual and it's very flexible in its configurability. I believe we could figure out a method to do this, however, I believe this would still require using two sets of front main speakers, the Ref 1s for music driven by your Ayre amp and the LS50s for HT driven by your NAD M22 amp.  
    If this is acceptable to you, having both the Ref1s and LS50s permanently positioned near each other at the front of your room, then I suspect we could design a good configuration that provides good sound quality and convenience for both music and HT.
    If having both sets of main speakers positioned at the front of your room is not acceptable to you, then we need to figure out how to conveniently and safely use two amps on a single set of speakers, substitute the NAD M22 for the Ayre amp or think of a very innovative alternative solution that is safe, convenient and provides good sound quality on both music and HT.  

2. "Switching between the Ayre and NAD amps to drive the Ref 1s is complicated, because both the Ayre and Ref 1s support pairs of lugs for biwiring whereas the NAD does not."
    Yes, I think we both agree this fails to meet the goal of a convenient music and HT system configuration solution so we should probably just eliminate this as a viable solution, unless we can figure out a safe and convenient method to use two different amps on a single set of speakers.

3. "I have no aversion to using 4 subs. I just haven’t hauled the HGS-15s to LA yet. I’m 83 and the subs are too heavy for me to lift so I need to have them taken downstairs, put into the back of our MB wagon, then trek down PCH to LA."
    I'm glad you have no aversion to using 4 subs for music and HT because I'm almost certain you'll consider their use very beneficial on both once properly positioned and configured.
    I've been thinking about the best method of having them transported from your room to the repair facility and back again to your room. I currently consider hiring and coordinating with a local moving company to do this as your best option. It'll cost a bit more but they'll be able to remove them directly from your room and eventually directly back to your room while you're only required to supervise and sip on a glass of delicious iced tea, sun brewed and garnished with a fresh lemon wedge, as they do both. Your only exertion will be lifting your glass.


      I just finished reading an Audio Beat review of the combination of your Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp and VX-5 amp linked below:

     It's such an extremely good review of your equipment's sound quality that, if you can verify you perceive even half of the positive comments of its sound quality described in this review, I believe you should and would likely be very hesitant in choosing to substitute the NAD M22 for your Ayre VX-5 amp.  The apparent positive and synergistic sound qualities attained through this combination of Ayre components seems unlikely to be matched by the combination of your Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp with the NAD M22 class D amp. 
     I've never listened to a system with this combination of Ayre components and, of course, only your opinion on this matter is relevant anyway.  If you prefer utilizing the Ayre components and Ref 1s for both music and Ht due to sound quality advantages, however, I realize this eliminates the energy savings resulting from utilizing the very green class D NAD M22 amp for HT usage.
     Is consuming a bit more energy for the sake of improved sound quality on music and HT acceptable to you? Only you can determine whether being incessantly ridiculed and persecuted by your fellow SoCal residents for your perceived porcine-like consumption of energy, and your inevitable resulting ostracization along with all the typical egging and teepeeing of your house and property, is worth bearing for increased system performance.
     Please let me know if you want to eliminate the option of using your NAD M22 for powering your HT front mains.


I use the Oppo 205 and M22 for watching TV, and the Ayre QX-5 digital hub, KX-5 preamp, and VX-5 amp for music.  I also have an Ayre DX-5 DSD disc player.  The source for music is mostly Roon to the QX-5 via ethernet.  I've decided to connect the Oppo balanced output to the Ayre preamp, unbalanced to the NAD M22 and C 268 amps, and disconnect the trigger from the Oppo to the M22 to make it easy to switch between the two setups for HT other than TV.  The  Oppo will connect to the Velodyne SMS-1s, so subs will be available HT.

Indeed the 5-Twenty series Ayre stuff has a special sound that makes music seem to just flow without electronic intervention.  Surprisingly the microRendu/Ayre Codex and A7e driving LS50s share a good deal of that Ayre magic 

I appreciate your help in guiding my thinking this through.  I've been involved with audio since the early '50s, but a poke always helps.
