Kind of like the "Emperors New Cloths". If you spend $10,000 you will talk yourself into hearing the difference. Buy a new car or pay down your mortgage instead. It is like anything else with audio. It minimal returns for money spent in my opinion. However, the wealthy folks in the group don't have to be practical. I think it is being able to invite your friends over to tell them now look what I have. Kind of like $9,000 speaker wire. Wonder if you priced Nordost at $240 and Tara Labs Appolo speaker wire at $9,000 if people would convince themselves the Tara Labs to be superior.
I have an OPPO player and wonder if there is anything I could do inexpensively to reduce vibration. Seems like reducing vibration on both CD players, pre-amps and amps make a difference.
I have an OPPO player and wonder if there is anything I could do inexpensively to reduce vibration. Seems like reducing vibration on both CD players, pre-amps and amps make a difference.