One of the best HDMI cable?

Could any member enlighten me on some of the outstanding HDMI cables? Thanks.
The FIBRR will do over 100-200ft if required. it converts HDMI to fibre at the head and back again at the end. It is single directional though, so no ARC yet.
If you are searching for high speed hdmi cable then SF Cable is the best option where all kind of hdmi cable types (premium hdmi cable, 4k hdmi cable, long hdmi cables, hdmi lead, best hdmi cables, hdmi wire, hdmi cord, etc) available in various lengths.
i need a new Hdmi cable due to the slowness of the HDMI 1.0 cable provided with my TV set-top box and I was missing one too. The one from Novhill is perfect for my TV set-top box TV 4K HD I felt a big difference between the previous one and that one in terms of latency; responsiveness was much more instantaneous.Novhill  RN-200 The packaging and the quality of the product is at the top in line with the product sheet. I highly recommend this brand for everything from cables, price quality and at the slightest malfunction go to their official website by marketing the warranty; they respond fairly quickly in case of a problem.
Recently I purchased a used wireworld Patinum 7.  The high is extremely high n mid is not as clear.  I suspect I might have purchased a counterfeit power cable!  Any idea? Usually how long does it take a used cable to settle in the system? Thanks
I’m on my third brand of digital components utilizing 12s though my current server’s 12s output pin layout isn’t compatible with my new digital stack .
A few years ago prior to purchasing any 12s cable to use in my stereo I pulled a HDMI cable from my video to use until I purchased a high end 12s cable . The HDMI cables for my video were a random choice from Bluejean website, Tarton brand .
  I later purchased WireWorld’s Platinum Starlight ran it in well plugged into my cable receiver.
Remarkably the inexpensive Tarton cable equaled the Platinum Starlight in every way and with further comparison we found the Tarton cable to have a more full bodied presentation which was readily notable.

In the four years I’ve used components with 12s outputs and input’s I haven’t had the urge to replace the inexpensive Tarton cable , who knows why it’s performance is so good .