Best amp for Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?


I have just purchased a pair of SF Amati Anniversario to replace my Tannoy TD12's and rreally wanted to know what a great amp wold be for them my maximum budget would be $20k I have heard they arre quite hard to partner and somme owners have gone through many amps beffore finding sommething ideal. Thanks for your help. Tim
Hi Guys, I looked for some Gryphon but well out of my budget really, maybe that can be the next upgrade. There were so many great suggestions, I thnk Ultimately the Berning Mono Blocks would just be to die for but well out of mmy league, so I've ordered a pair of Plinius 103's to set up in mono. I heard some SGR Audio amps on them the other night and was really impressed by them but thought I give the Plinius ago. I think the Plinius Amps look pretty cool too. Once they are in place I will drop a line and let you know what I think they are like. I have a pair or 845 valve mono blocks here too so will be interesting to compare such different amps. Thanks for all the feedback :)


Hi Tim,

good luck! sounds like you have 2 very good options there. Plinius has a great reputation, and i have heard very, very good things about the 845 tube when properly matched. Look forward to your post when you've settled in and compared them. enjoy!
Well what after seems forever the firt SA-103 has arrived with a Tauturo Pre Aamp. First impression out of the box has to be how well built they are, the alloy panels that make the case of both units is a work of art in my book. Plinius has obviously invested a lot in equipment to form metal work. They both weigh a ton and the pre amp is especaily large. Now that they are set up and been on for a few days the first impressions is the control it has over the amatis, the dynamics and the great sound stage. Mid range clarity is certainly a strong point along with the overall cohesivness of the sound. I know we have alreaddy had a few late nights and enjoyed every minute. The second SA-103 should be here in the next few weeks and it will be interesting to see what it adds to the sound. Now the decision is the CD player either a CD 101 or the Resolution Audio Cantata any thoughts? Thanks again to everyone for their feedback and suggestions! :)
sounds like a winner! very nice. Congrats. Cannot comment on either CD player unfortunately. look forward to your next post.
Well - I know this is an old thread - but for anyone looking for answers in future.... Simaudio Moon amps work very well with Sonus Faber and I have the Amati Palladio now, with Moon P8-RS and W8-RS pre/power.

I tried other models in the range too, which all worked - but speakers this good deserve the best amps you can give them if possible !