What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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We have a client with the Wilson Alexia using the T+A PA 3100HV which is one of the worlds best integrated amplifiers and he loves his amplifier.

The T+A PA 3100 HV is basically the company's $19k power amp and a paired down version of the T+A $18k preamp in one box. 

The amp is a 300 watt beast and can drive any load, it is warm, punchy, very three dimensional and has an amazing feature set:

Amp can be upgraded with an external power supply
Amp can have a fanatastic phono board added
Amp has a analog parametric equilizer.

The T+A PA 3100 HV uses high voltage rails to run its transistors like a tube amplfier this creates a very full bodied and liquid sound yet the amp runs warm and not super hot.


In this review the T+A PA 3100 was compared to a $50k Dagastino Momentum integrated:


If you are on the East Coast we have T+A products on display

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A dealers

If you follow Wilson Audio on Twitter, by far the most commonly tweeted photos of amps that Wilson tweets or retweets with their speakers are Audio Research. Often at shows but also in retail demo rooms or research test or development sessions.

That tells me that Wilson likely feels Audio Research is the best match for their speakers.
I agree its very popular comb..  Ever heard of Spectral being paired with Wilson