OTL amps, my pick for the tube used.

This is my OTL tube pick for an OTL the 6C33C tube.
I don't believe much can compete with it for current, and that the big achilles heel of OTL's  



Just had to show this, in it's glowing glory.

Cheers George
Looking at those spacings the word ‘Chernobyl’ keeps meandering into my subconscious.

Caveat emptor
I have a pair of Audio Mirror monoblocks that use the 6C33C tube and have more than 50 hours and no problems at all. I like the sound of these tubes - very clear, uncolored, balanced and almost no real sonic signature. Tubes with other amps I had always seemed to accentuate some part of the music - EL34s seemed slightly loose in the bass, but great for voices, KT120s were zippy on top, etc. etc. The 6C33Cs are auto-biased according to the Audio Mirror website. Maybe that is why I have had no tube issues yet. But I do have a backup quad! LOL.
From a glance at the manufacturer’s website your amp appears to be far more sensibly designed thermally.
I am lucky that my listening room has 2 vents in it for cooling and temperature is easily controlled by opening/closing the vents. Very cool in summer as I live in SC and it gets very hot here,  but heat from the amp is a non-issue as we have to run AC anyway. The amp gets hot but the heat sinks help plus I put Isoblocks under the footers to raise amps for circulation underneath. One vent across the room blows directly towards the amp. Just lucky, as my last amp was in same location. I really like this amp and think I am done with the search. 
What amplifier are you referring to? What I was pointing out is that George’s statement about 100 amps referred to the solid state ME 1400 and ME 1500
I just looked on the manufacturer's website- and didn't realize it shows a different model. Apparently the models you mention above are n.l.a.