Best audio tweak ever, especially for the over 60s

Get your ears dewaxed at least once a year. After I had the procedure I had to wind back the volume on my amp and iPhone by about 30%. Detail improvement was also incredible. Much cheaper than a $5000 DAC.
just had my doctor do mine, great result, use the drops too, be careful with q tips not to push wax in deeper
Does ear hair act as comb filter? Can you just have a comb over? Can you tie it in a knot, can you tie it in a bow, does your hair hand low? 

I read this, it sounds so logical that I bought an ear cleaning kit and then read up on it. Probably not a great idea:

"According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology ears ideally never need to be cleaned “for 99 percent of people." There is a natural mechanism that sweeps earwax out like a conveyor belt every time you chat or chew. For the remaining 1%, cotton swabs are not the answer. Instead, those people that tend to create excessive, stubborn ear wax should turn to occasional extraction by a medical provider.

"Home-care earwax systems use a gentle liquid in a syringe to flush out the ear canal. While generally safe to use, these home-care systems sometimes cause earwax to melt, and then residual earwax can re-solidify inside the ear canal like cement against the ear drum."