What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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At an Audio store show tonight I heard the Wilson Alexx driven by D’Agostino Relentless $250k mono blocks.. don’t want to speak about the pairing or the sound because its not what I look for but for what its worth, the rep from Wilson, someone who’s been with the company many years shared the intimate story of D’Agostino and Wilson for the past 10+ years and shared that he has the D’Agostino Momentums himself.. for what its worth.. according to him D’Agostino started out designing his hardware on Wilsons.
I’m looking for a warm inviting very musical sound. Something I can play all day without ear fatigue but still very detailed. Realism. 
Carey, the T+A gear we recommend is warm and very musical yet has outstanding resolution and dynamics.

If you research the company you will see the HV concept, this is emmulating the sound of tubes by running the rail voltages to much greater than standard rail voltage for solid state designs.

The T+A engineers stumbled upon this concept after building some reference grade tube gear. The prevailing thought to why tubes sound more organic has always been the thought that tube disortions are even order harmonic based vs transistor disortions which tend to be odd order harmonic in nature.

The T+A engineers started an experiment where they postulated that by amping up the rail voltage in a transistor design, that the transistors would be run in a more linear fashion at higher voltages and create less distortion, and therefore sound more organic and more tube like.

Tests proved that at higher rail voltages the amplifers did indeed sound better, this lead to a custom designed output stage and parts capable of being run a much higher voltages and thus the High Voltage series was born.

For less money the new Krell gear is fantastic, they use a special type of Bias circuitry and run in Class A, the new Krell gear is awesome and affordable, however, on comparision the T+A is still a notch higher.

For this reason we recommend so highly the T+A PA 3100HV which is the company’s same power amplifier and a slightly paired down version of their reference preamplifer for a bit more than half price of the separates.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A dealers