System Upgrade

Leben CS600; Harbeth Plus 5s; PS Audio with Bridge II linked via Blue Heaven USB; Chord Clearway interconnects and speaker cables (not bi-wired).

Sounds good but "flat" and I find myself having to turn up the volume almost halfway to get any "presence".

What am I missing, if anything?

Than you.
Thank you All for being so helpful and responsive and offering up various solutions. It is going to take me a while to check everything but once i do, i will report back.
OP please try to borrow a few sets of interconnects and some speaker cables and just change those first and see what you think.

Another question are you using stock power cables and do you have a power conditioner. Power cables make a very large difference in the sound of a system.

The other question is are you working with a dealer and if so what was your dealers response to all of this?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

With that super tweeter, the HL5 is the least warmly voiced of the Harbeth range.  Don't be rushed into a speaker change you don't need.

It may be the amp, and your room may have something to do with it as well.

Two left ears ever listen to a Murata supertweeter?

If a speaker needs a super tweeter it is not going to be voiced on the lively side now is it?