Suggestions for my system

Hi all - Looking for some suggestions on my system.  So right now I listen near field (just about 6 feet from the speakers) in a small room, around 13x11 feet.  I have a Rega Elicit-R amp with a Rega Saturn-R cd player, and a Rega Planar 8 and Aria for my analog front end.  Harbeth C7ES3's for speakers.  I primarily listen to classic Jazz and orchestral music through my setup.  My main goals in hifi are an expansive soundstage in width and depth, and holography.  My system right now is great, Rega has all the PRAT and is energetic to listen to however I feel like it's not the last word in lifelike representation.  I'm curious to try tube amps or different monitors as home demos to see if I can gain anything and was looking for some opinions on what I should seek out.  The loudest I listen is around 90db with peaks sometimes at 95 but no more.  Also, would like to stay integrated and not separates.  Thanks very much

My setup:
Rega Elicit-R
Rega Saturn-R
Rega Planar 8 with Hana SL
Rega Aria
Shunyata Denali, Alpha power cords
Teo interconnects
@lowrider57 Sorry, forgot to mention that my room is already treated with bass traps and diffusion.  @big_greg Unfortunately this is my only listening space.  @yogiboy I had P3's on trial a while back however they were a bit bass light even in my room.  Would I be able to achieve a more 3d presentation by going smaller watt tubes?  Given my speaker distance and the C7's 86db sensitivity, it's looking like a 45 watt amp will get me to my max listening volume.  Never tried tubes so any comparisons/suggestions welcome.  
Bass traps, diffusers, and all that are old school. I have experience using and building, enough to know its primitive and not even close to what I'm talking about with HFT. Its like a surgeon just told you about a whole set of scalpels and the conversation goes right back to the butter knife.
@millercarbon I'll research these.  Does installation on the speakers leave any residue or marks if they are removed?  


You own a very fine system as is. Another +vote for experimenting with cables and power cords. Keep us posted on new developments.

Happy Listening!

Agree with @jafant . Start by auditioning power cords. IME, they can offer a dramatic change in depth and width of soundstage.
  I'm using Audience and Furutech which present a spacious and deep image.