Best step-up between a Kondo M7 and a Lyra Skala


I have been using a vintage step-up (UTC A11)  between my preamp Kondo M7 and my cartridge Lyra Skala. The match was really good.

However, I had to give the UTC step-up back to my friend, and I am contemplating another option.

Do someone experienced a Lyra skala with a Kondo KSL-SFz stepup ? or maybe a KSL-CFz (menaing in copper nor in silver)

Or any other combination that match well (the UTC transfo are not easy to get in Europe ...!)

Thanks for sharing your experince

Later after Verion failed, Mitchell Cotter marketed those SUTs under his own name. Along with a unique phono stage called the PSC (Phono Signal Conditioner). 
So I can recommend either the Verion or Cotter SUTs. Plus they look really cool in those heavy blue enclosures with the attached Verion Triaxial cables!
I presently have: a Bellari, a Denon. a Mike Sanders Quicksilver and two custom-made SUTs using Altec mike transformers. Oh, and a pair of the small Sony plug-in SUTs! Iron rules in my LP playback kingdom!
I have been using a vintage step-up (UTC A11) between my preamp Kondo M7 and my cartridge Lyra Skala. The match was really good.
Or any other combination that match well (the UTC transfo are not easy to get in Europe ...!)
How was the the A11 wired? The A11 supports 50Ohm, 200Ohm and 500Ohm primary impedance, so to make a useful recommendation it would be necessary to know which of these you were listening to and found to be such a good match.

The Skala has an internal impedance of 5.5Ohm, so I would assume it was either the 50Ohm or 200Ohm taps, but that’s no substitute for knowing for sure.

The Verion/Cotter transformer is likely a very good one, but there are scores of excellent SUTs available and only one with specs matching the one heard by the OP will sound (more or less) the same. Just throwing out names of good units isn’t really that helpful in relation to the actual question.