If your budget is $ 5000 pass on the Freya. It is a tremendous value for the price and a great feature set with balanced and RCA inputs and outputs. Passive, active and tube options for gain a great warranty and an innovative company behind it. But it will not perform like a $ 5000 pre amp. My Freya was noisy using tubes ( I heard they addressed this problem recently) and did not compare to a Decware CSP3 in terms of sonics. I recently bought a used Allnic L-3000 and it is amazing sonically like the reviews describe and dead quiet.
My Decware cost twice as much as the Freya and was unquestionably more enjoyable. And my Allnic was twice as expensive as the Decware and brings another level of refinement and enjoyment.
My Decware cost twice as much as the Freya and was unquestionably more enjoyable. And my Allnic was twice as expensive as the Decware and brings another level of refinement and enjoyment.