Budget floorstanders - Sonus Faber vs. Revel vs. Focal

I am moving on from the vintage speakers I've been playing with over the past 10 years (ADS L1230, Ohm Walsh 4, Klipsch Forte, Snell Type A) and want a smaller footprint, new speaker.  I had narrowed down to the following:

Sonus Faber Venere 2.5
Dynaudio X34
Focal Chorus 726
Revel F35/F36

My room is rather large (20x30x9), half living room, half dining room, so I need to move a good bit of air.  I tried the Dynaudio X34's and they felt a little "small."  My gear is a Mcintosh C39 pre and Proceed AMP 5 (125@8ohms, 250@4ohms, has 4 working channels and can use to biamp).  I mostly listen to rock/alternative/punk with some jazz and classical and have preferred a warmer sound - I am not as much into detail and pinpoint imaging as I am an energetic, fun, easy-to-listen-to sound.  I have been known to turn my system up quite loud and want something that doesn't become unpleasant at volume.

I'd appreciate any opinions from folks who have heard any of the above.  Thanks.

Those Spatials look sweet.  Given my room size, I'd probably go to the bigger M3.  
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Purchased a preowned pair of KEF R900's locally for a good price.  I hope these get the job done.
Haven't heard the R900s but I really like the tonal balance of properly positioned LS50s. A nice feature of the Uni-Q driver is that the speakers don't have to be placed on-axis for good imaging. You can use toe-in to adjust tonal balance to taste without any real detriment to imaging.