@Phomchick That is a superb recording and may I make a few suggestions, go for anything on the BIs Label these are seriously good recordings and I especially like Yevgeny Sudbin these days. To ease you in I would Suggest his Scarlatti Sonatas they are staggeringly good from a technical point of view in fact I don't think I have heard them bettered. After the Scarlatti I would then recommend his duo of Mozart and Beethoven's C Minor Piano Concertos they are outstanding and then to top it all go for his Rachmaninov Piano Concertos they are definitely hard to beat.
Len, The reason I can't travel is the doc won't let me so I just sit and moan when my wife and daughter go on holiday together.If you believe that you'll believe anything, no I revel in having the house to myself for a time. I can then sit and listen to my headphones to any time in the AM that I choose. I even sometimes sit and listen to Jacobite war songs with the help of Some Cardhu Golden nectar. Happy Days.
Len, The reason I can't travel is the doc won't let me so I just sit and moan when my wife and daughter go on holiday together.If you believe that you'll believe anything, no I revel in having the house to myself for a time. I can then sit and listen to my headphones to any time in the AM that I choose. I even sometimes sit and listen to Jacobite war songs with the help of Some Cardhu Golden nectar. Happy Days.