What was your first system? When was that?

1977- BSR 20BP turntable with ADC cartridge, Pioneer SX450 receiver, Studio Design 46 speakers (Tech HiFi house brand)
!959-Eico kit mono amp, Heathkit FM tuner, Garrard Changer, GE cartridge, Stevens speaker. Sound was fantastic.
My first real stereo was in 1980
Klipsch Heresy speakers ,Kenwood integrated amp,tuner and  Lafayette receiver- Anyone remember  them ?  Nakamichi 3 head 
cassete deck , Audioquest cabling. Technics direct drive turntable
audio shure  cartridge. In my neighborhood it was pretty dam good for a 22 year old kid.

Around 1974-76, I started mowing lawns. Saved $$ and wondered what I should buy. Stereo of course.

No 1 - MCS 3112 or thereabouts Receiver, MCS cassette deck, speakers my uncle gave me, zip cord. My child hood best friend had this stereo until about 10 years ago.

No 2 - a few years later. MCS 3233 33 WPC Receiver, MCS cassette deck (much better than the prior deck), MCS TT, MCS speakers plus more speakers my uncle gave me, thicker zip cord, Radio Shack EQ. This system was much better than No 1. Lasted me until I went in the military in 1983.

Check out Ebay for MCS (Modular Component Systems) stuff.

I almost forgot my most priced possession at the time my Tandberg  Reel to Reel
it was going out with the garbage from a neighbor who brought it home after Vietnam.it did not work ,$35 and 2 capacitors that was the techs repair charge back then . It was excellent sounding and master tapes were easy to sourse and sounded  Great !!