giya is a lot better than the kaya. More natural sounding.
Dealer told me that the giya series 2 is also much better
than the series 1 which i had for a year.
the problem i think with my giyas side firing woofer is not
only the side wall interaction but also the excessive vib
ration to my concrete flooring due to the very low positioned
woofers coupled with my very small listening room.
giya is a lot better than the kaya. More natural sounding.
Dealer told me that the giya series 2 is also much better
than the series 1 which i had for a year.
the problem i think with my giyas side firing woofer is not
only the side wall interaction but also the excessive vib
ration to my concrete flooring due to the very low positioned
woofers coupled with my very small listening room.