Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Hello clearthink,

      I hope your user name is indicative of your actual cognitive functioning and you'll be able to communicate more effectively than cleeds.
     Unfortunately, I believe we've gotten off to a poor start based on your first two posts addressed to myself.  You mention Tru-Fi as if it's commonly known in your last post.  I had no idea of what Tru-Fi refers to so I googled it. My search resulted in a company named Tru-Fi that apparently makes various electric guitar pedals with model names such as Zosa Fuzz, Suppa Fuzz and Colordriver.
     I'm fairly sure you're not referring to these, so I'm requesting you clarify exactly what you're referring to or just provide a link to a site that explains things.

I connected the Ayre KX-5 to the Velodyne SMS-1 via a balanced Y cable. The fourth order crossover is set at 80 Hz; the level is set so I’m not aware of the Velodyne HGS-10 & 15 as sound sources, and the double bass is not overdone with a Bill Evans trio track, but when a pedal note of the Reiner reading of Saint-Seans 3rd comes along the vibration can be felt. For some reason I don’t really understand, the depth of the sound stage seems enhanced as well. I listen to a lot of jazz and baroque, and, although cognitive dissonance is too strong to imagine a large orchestra in the room, I can easily imagine a trio or quartet in the room -- I’ve heard enough recitals to know the sound well.

I had intended to connect the Bryston SP3 to the SMS-1 for surround -- the SP3 provides nice surround setup capabilities. but if the KX-5 is used in bypass mode, both it and the SP3 shouldn’t be sending a signal to the SMS-1. I haven’t got this figured out.

Tim, I’ll try to take the other HGS-15 in for repair next week.

Hello DB,

     I thought you were going to take the Bryston SP-3 out of your system and use the Oppo 205 for surround sound decoding instead, connect the l+r stereo/l+r front surround outputs from the Oppo 205 to the KX-5, connect the SMS-1 to the KX-5 and the surround channel outputs on the Oppo 205 connected directly to the NAD surround amps.


The SP3 has yet to be installed, and the system is as you describe.  Adding the SP3 provides two advantages:  (1) When the DC Off-Set problem of Ayre DX-5 DSD is fixed, I'll replace the Oppo 205 with the Ayre as disc player, but the Ayre is not a quasi processor like the Oppo; (2) The SP3 can use 15' balanced cables to the NAD C 268 amps.  In furtherance of using the SP3, I re-read several rave reviews.

I just discovered my other HGS-15 is not reliably powering-on with LF signal, so that's two HGS-15 to take for repair and perhaps one HGS-10.  Wonder if it's time for new subs, but the Velodyne have served so well for decades.

Hello DB,

     I've recently read a few of those rave reviews on the Bryston SP-3 and there's no doubt it's a high quality unit.  But the Oppo 105 and 205 are also high quality units and I thought one of your main goals was streamlining and simplifying your system.   I think you need to directly  compare the sound quality of using the SP-3 to using the Oppo 205 on tv and movies surround sound.  You have a lot of high quality stuff. 
     I also believe you need to directly compare the video and audio quality of your Ayre DX-5 DSD to your Oppo 205.  I've read that Ayre doesn't just rebadge  Oppo players as Ayre players but instead claims they 'reengineer' the Oppo players.  For some unknown reason, they also remove the quasi processor circuitry and 7.1 rca outputs for the surround channels.  I realize the Ayre DX-5 DSD sold new at retail for about $10K but you still need to verify it outperforms the Oppo, especially considering it lacks the Oppo's quasi processor circuitry and 7.1 channel outputs.  
     If you're unable to notice clear differences in the performance advantages of either the SP-3 or Ayre DX-5 when compared to the Oppo 205, then there's no reason to use them and sacrifice the streamlining and simplification advantages of removing them from your system.  Selling them both on the used market would likely provide more than enough funds to cover all of your sub repair costs or the cost of new subs.   
     Your Velodyne HSG-15 and HSG-10 subs are examples of more good stuff you have.  My first instinct is to just have all your subs repaired but the most reasonable thing to do is to get specific estimates or at least an estimate range of minimum to maximum repair costs.  Only then can you make a rational choice about whether it's best to get them repaired or buy new subs.  
     It seems like a shame to me to not get them repaired since they probably still have some value and are very good subs. If the repair costs seem reasonable to you, having them repaired would be a good option since you like their performance, they'd work very well in a DBA format in combination with your SMS-1 sub control unit and they'd retain considerably more of their value in top working condition as opposed to broken. 
     On the other hand, even if you consider the total repair costs excessive, I was thinking the repair facility might be willing to buy them all from you at a reasonable price.  I would suggest a good option would be to then devote these funds toward the purchase of 3-4 new subs.  If you choose to do this you'll have a wide assortment of options in a wide range of quality levels,such as a custom DBA consisting of three or four subs of the size, price and quality level you prefer (just make sure these custom DBA subs have a minimum of volume control, crossover frequency selector and a continuously variable 360 degree phase control)or even a complete 4-sub Swarm DBA system.