The Stereophile measurements of the CS 2.3 show an irregular frequency response above the bass, including a lack of energy around 1 kHz and an sizeable rise in the higher frequencies. If you are having issues with sibilance -- it’s not you, it’s the speakers. Other reviewers pointed out "glare" and such.
Exaggerated HF can give killer dimensionality, "air", and that sort of thing, but it also can be really irritating.
I agree with those who suggest auditioning other speakers before changing the DAC. If you’re buying used, Google first to see if measurements are available, and consider models with smooth and reasonably flat, or slightly declining, HF response. They will sound less exciting but also less fatiguing and closer to the sound of a live concert.
Exaggerated HF can give killer dimensionality, "air", and that sort of thing, but it also can be really irritating.
I agree with those who suggest auditioning other speakers before changing the DAC. If you’re buying used, Google first to see if measurements are available, and consider models with smooth and reasonably flat, or slightly declining, HF response. They will sound less exciting but also less fatiguing and closer to the sound of a live concert.