Best budget preamp for my entry level system?

Greetings everyone. I need some input on the selection of a pre-amplifier.

After years of making the most of and enjoying my existing budget system, I'm kicking in a few dollars to upgrade my system. I'm currently using a Marantz 2215B receiver, a Pioneer PL-550 turntable, a pair of Boston Acoustic CR-9's, an old junky JBL sub, and a bluetooth adapter to connect to my i-phone for streaming audio....

So far I have purchased the following replacement / upgrade components: Zu Audio Omen Dirty Weekend Speakers, and a Emotiva UPA-200 Amplifier.

>>> Any recommendations on a pre-amplifier? I'm definitely thinking pre-owned, and something around $300. Would want to connect my existing turntable, and a good quality CD player to it in the future. Also like to use my I-phone as a source as well through either a bluetooth adapter, or plugging in directly. I mostly listen to classic rock and rock.

Thank you, any feedback provided would be greatly appreciated!


How about a used Proton integrated amp? They have pre/amp in/out jacks, so can be used as a preamp. I have one that I paid $50 for! Made in Taiwan at the same factory as NAD, back in the 80's. These are killer-sounding integrateds! Both pre and power sections rival today's four-figure gear! If I had nothing else I could happily live with my Proton!
A receiver with pre-amp outputs might be a good option! I have a NAD receiver with pre-amp outputs stashed in my storage, but was leaning towards not using that particular piece because I find it to be bright, and might not be the best pairing with the Zu / Emotiva equipment.
The terms budget system and pre-amp do not compute. Being on a budget it was quite frankly a mistake buying a separate amp. Separate pre-amp and amp greatly increases the cost and complexity of your system. Integrateds are by far a better value especially when trying to save money. So much better in fact you will be well advised to sell that Emotiva amp and Marantz receiver and then with the funds buy the best integrated you can find.

(You might want to keep the Marantz. It has a tuner and a phono stage you can use, and it just plain looks good. The Emotiva though just needs to go.)

As for integrateds there are lots to choose from. A few things to consider- tube or solid state? Find a few to compare by listening. Do not go by watts or any other specs. That is how you wind up with boat anchor monoblock power amps. You want a budget system you need to be selecting by listening comparisons.

You play records. Good. The phono stage in your Marantz is your baseline. Its a pretty low baseline. Just about anything you get will be a big improvement. There are some integrateds with built-in phono stage, and there are lots of budget stand alone phono stages.

As far as stand-alone phono stages go, keep in mind the situation is the same as with your preamp power amp in that they need to be connected. That means another interconnect, and another power cord. You don't have to spend a lot on those but you won't get as good sound if you don't either. So at the budget end you'll get the most sonic bang for your buck with a good integrated with a decent phono stage.

What is good? What is decent? Only way to know, listen to em.

Check out the Schiit Audio Saga.  They are clearing out the last of them with intro of the upgraded models.  It's on B stock for 200.  I bought this and compared it to my Parasound Halo P5 and it was no contest.  The Saga was clearly superior with more detail and therefore imaging.  

Buy their stand alone phone pre and you're set.  
I agree wholeheartedly  with Millercarbon,  It would make your system much more complicated.  Yes It's a good idea if you want to seriously upgrade your system , but your next step given your budget is to my mind to consolidate sell and start over and and buy integrated. 
You read what these audio nut bags,  myself included ,spend on just a piece of wire.  I am pretty cheap by these standards.  I was already to tell you that the best pre to get is a 6SN7 based unit but these run about $1,200 which is cheapish for high end pres but way out of your budget. 
You've done it and started the slippery slope,by buying an amp, well if I were you I would patiently scour the used market for a great deal. But There are a lot of headphone amps that are also pres and the Schiit suggestion seams cogent  if it has a phono stage you might want to  give it a go.