Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?

Anyone using Bose 901 speakers in a home theater? I'm considering getting one or two pair of good used 901's in a home theater setup. Anyone using Bose 301 or Bose 501 in a home theater?
Mofimadness, the review you forwarded was priceless, thank you.

Rog, Marty,Onhwy61 & Gammajo, thank you for your input and your encouragement. I look forward to more of your input as I post further questions during my home theater project.



A friend of mine who is both a serious (and I would even say meticulous audiophile) was also a DJ in his younger years speaks very, very highly about the Bose 901s. He's also an engineer and hyper-critical about his electronics and cabling. If he speaks highly about those speakers with some of the gear he has, that speaks volumes to me.

He ardently claims that with the proper amplification, they are truly stellar and indeed are very well suited to larger spaces. He still uses them for music in large spaces and venues and connects them to his 250wpc amps with custom braided cables.

If you like the sound of the 901s, then go for it and don't worry about what others say. I've only heard the 901s at his house playing music streamed from online services. It wasn't critical listening by any stretch, but they did indeed sound good.

So if your space is larger as I'm guessing, then I think you may be very happy with that setup if you like the sound of the 901s.

901'S May indeed do very well for home theater. In a multi channel set up you may find that they spread the audio around so well too the point of offering a confused sound for audio intended for the back or side channels only. Might just be too much of a good thing in there sound dispersion. That would be my only real concern. Make sure you can interface the equalizer into your system.

Used to have a set of 901's back in the day. Great fun and enjoyed them for years in a stereo only set up. Many folks forget that Bose were the toast of many hi end stores until they began to be sold by the big box stores. Then all the sudden they were terrible. Umm...Strange isn't it.
Hi Mitch4t. YES! I actually ran a home theater system with Bose 901 front speakers, a Bose center speaker, and Bose 301 rear speakers. I've also run the same system with 501's in the front. The 501's actually sounded better than the 901's. I never could get the 901's to sound as rich at lower volume levels. The middle tones were always missing (opposite of the popular mantra). Even turning them backwards and moving them high and low didn't help. It may have just been that pair because I bought them refurbished from Bose. Anyway, even with that issue, the system was amazing! I've yet to go to anyone's house and hear a better one (even the ones that cost thousands of dollars and were custom installed still didn't match the feeling of being "IN THE MOVIE" (from ANYWHERE in the room) that I love. It also sounded great from other rooms. Front speakers were on floor stands. Rear speakers were mounted about 7 ft. up. Room approx. 12x18 ft. with pitched ceiling.
Well interesting topic,and mind as well give my experience.Last spring I bought two pairs of Bose 151SE environmental speakers another words the outdoors variety.I got them from Best Buy on sale and because they looked better than the rest on the shelf.They gave me good sound in my back yard with Hafler Pro2400 amps and Bryston BP-20 preamp,source was the Wadia 170i playing ipod classic loaded with mp3's.Then I wanted more loud sound so I found this usede paor of Bose 901 series VI from local Craigslist at a decent price and bought them.I hanged them from the porch roof and drove them with the Hafler Pro 2400 bridged so we are talking 400W per side.I partied all summer,me and my neighbours!!!! So you know what I am keeping them and I just bought this last weekend a Bryston 3B-SST amp from and the Haflers will be changed,of course the summer season here in Toronto is over and I will pack and bring the 901 indoors but next spring I will rock the joint.I need to buy another Bryston 3B-SST to run them in mono with the 901's.Also just bought the Olive 04HD music server for the porch system so I won't have to get off my recliner.Music all weekend. I personally love the 901 for what I9 am using them for,they are an excellent party speaker.Now just to clarify my back yard deck is covered with clear roof panels,no rain is coming through so the 901 don't get wet.All the electronics are in a separate room buy the deck and are well protected from the weather.