Tribute bands or bands/artists making a comeback..any favorites out there??

Back when I was young I had the pleasure to see Led Zeppelin and Queen live in concert. Later I saw Robert Plant and Jimmy Page together. Nothing beats seeing the great musical artists of their era.
Now that I am an old fart, the original bands are gone (mostly) I have seen Zoso some years ago and was invited to see Killer Queen by a young friend discovering Queen's music for the first time. Those guys were good! Anyone out there fans of certain Tribute bands or bands getting back together to tour again.
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I don't care about "tribute" bands as the entire thing seems silly, but one of my fave touring bands that I've managed to see locally a few times in recent years is the Martin Barre Band, which is sort of a "tribute" to Jethro Tull (or in the case of Barre a tribute to himself), but with currently more coherent singing than Ian Anderson could summon these days. These guys play with some serious gusto and get that "English folk meets prog rock" thing done in spades...a powerful and clearly authentic sounding killer band.
A friend of mine saw Barre’s band recently and said it was great. I have a solo CD by him (could not find it on vinyl) and the compositional variety and skill shown is...well, exceptional. Do you know if he lives in the US now? Hope I get a chance to see him. Love his playing on the early Tull stuff, integral and critical to that sound.
I spoke to his wife at the "merch" table last time they played at my local venue, and she said they do live in London...I bought the latest album on CD and it's great. Note that Barre at 72 has astonishing energy and his guitar chops haven't diminished one astonishing musician.
Purple Reign a Prince Tribute band are amazing

I dont want to sound like a broken record but The Musical Box is the closest thing to the real Genesis out there. Saw  them 2 months ago.
Also Paul Rodgers voice is still a force to be reckoned with. Puts on a great show, a lot of Bad Company and a smidgen of The Firm and Free.