Dear @brownsfan : """
What is wrong with enjoying distortions? """
in reality are not the distortion it self but the kind of those distortions and its higher or lower levels.
Distortions levels is what defines/makes differences in the quality level performance of any room/audio system.
All room/audio systems have inherent distortion levels, so always exist trade-offs and in each one of us systems we already choosed our self " best " trade-offs that put us nearer to our targets. Nothing is perfect.
""" those venues with which I have experience don't even deliver a consistent voice ""
agree. Everything in a venue could change each one of us perceptions of what we are listening, even attended in the same seat position. Things are that the people that attend to the venue the same day as us is not not only exactly the same number/popullation but their seated distribution is not always the same and certainly not always people go with the same kind/fabric of clothes and all those has influence in what we listening there. But even musician/players are not seated exactly the same each session after sessions and many times they don't have the same day by day " mood "
. Even room temperature could be not the same and temperature has its own influence in the instruments voice.
Normally the venues has an overall "signature " that depending on those and other surrounded characteristics shows some kind of little " deviations " from the overall venue signature.
How can we enjoy MUSIC and not DISTORTIONS? well we can't avoid several kind of room/system distortions and the best we can approach is to put at minimum those distortions and to achieve that we have to be aware/identify those distortions and this is extremely difficult and as difficult too is to be sure from where is developed that distortion.
Nothing is easy in audio when we are looking for " heaven " and this is what makes audio so interesting other that ENJOY THE MUSIC.
in reality are not the distortion it self but the kind of those distortions and its higher or lower levels.
Distortions levels is what defines/makes differences in the quality level performance of any room/audio system.
All room/audio systems have inherent distortion levels, so always exist trade-offs and in each one of us systems we already choosed our self " best " trade-offs that put us nearer to our targets. Nothing is perfect.
""" those venues with which I have experience don't even deliver a consistent voice ""
agree. Everything in a venue could change each one of us perceptions of what we are listening, even attended in the same seat position. Things are that the people that attend to the venue the same day as us is not not only exactly the same number/popullation but their seated distribution is not always the same and certainly not always people go with the same kind/fabric of clothes and all those has influence in what we listening there. But even musician/players are not seated exactly the same each session after sessions and many times they don't have the same day by day " mood "
. Even room temperature could be not the same and temperature has its own influence in the instruments voice.
Normally the venues has an overall "signature " that depending on those and other surrounded characteristics shows some kind of little " deviations " from the overall venue signature.
How can we enjoy MUSIC and not DISTORTIONS? well we can't avoid several kind of room/system distortions and the best we can approach is to put at minimum those distortions and to achieve that we have to be aware/identify those distortions and this is extremely difficult and as difficult too is to be sure from where is developed that distortion.
Nothing is easy in audio when we are looking for " heaven " and this is what makes audio so interesting other that ENJOY THE MUSIC.