Audioquest NRG 10 power cord

Hi all,

Just want to get members thoughts and/or experiences with this cable. I would like to know if significant improvement was heard, how flexible is this cable, the dbs battery packs- how long they last, is replacements expensive etc, Is it best to hook it up between power amp and power conditioner or preamp and power conditioner? I'm thinking of hooking it up to my preamp to power conditioner but welcome any thoughts or experience hooking it up this way. Pros and the cons.
I will be buying this within the next couple of days. My dealer is offering me a great deal on this power cord and I feel its too good to pass up. Any recommendations on other AQ power cords to use like NRG 100 or 1000. Is the difference night and day to the NRG 10? I like the AQ
stuff for my system. Thanks in advance.

I have used a lot of cable in my system. Most of it was pretty high end (over 2k) I think. I've been running MIT CVT 8' run o speaker cables for years with my Quicksilver Silver Mono's and Proac SuperTowers. I'm selling off all my old gear as I've switched to Vandy Treo's and Ayre electronics in balanced mode.

I can honestly say the MIT CVT is still as good as almost all the other cables out there other than some Cardas and AQ with DBS I have heard and that includes so many other's that I've had in the system.

It's the DBS that is special. They just give you the blackest background I've ever heard. They use a wire that is proven special, but when they add the DBS and the different sizes of teflon tubes, it takes it to a new level.
Audioquest make good powercables, but not stunning. It also depends in which price range your are looking for.
I honestly don't want stunning in any of my gear. As I said above, I have heard all the AQ cords vs very expensive and well know cords and the other cords at first sounded different....some would say stunning maybe, but it was immediately apparent that they actually didn't have as much air around the music and they cut some of the leading attack as well as trailing sound. They just didn't compare. We all look for different things I guess. For me, many cords and 'boxes may change the sound, but not for the better.
I've heard the Kimber and for the price is good. The problem I have with so many of the cords is that if you give them a really good listen, they aren't always better. They may sound different, but not always better. I know Ayre uses their own 'cleaner' in their components and THAT makes them less susceptible to better cords if you would. Honestly, I've heard them sound their best just plugged directly into the wall outlet with their stock cables. I've heard the major differences in CD transports and DACs'...don't know why, but that's just me.