Keep up the excellent research and work. Have fun!
Happy Listening!
@holco Curious why you picked the Rhymthmic. If I ever decided to add subs I would almost certainly go with Vandersteens or used Thiels, so curious to know your rationale. But I don’t feel the need. My old Vandersteens had some audible output into the mid 20 cycles whereas the 2.4s have nothing below 30 yet I’ve only noticed the difference on a single song (organ tones). |
Rules - my comment addresses the presumption among many that zero or linear phase response is without problems. I admit that its problems are indeed minor and in the real world may be a best choice solution. For your enjoyment here's a very brief synopsis of the elements including the psychoacoustic reference to pre-ringing being more disturbing than post. I will add that today's DSP execution of all filter types with optimization is far better than my experience a decade and more ago. Enjoy. |