Sony PUA 7 to re-wire or not

Dear all I have a Sony PUA7 - or is it the PS-X  - actually I think it is the latter on the basis that the wires are just hanging out of the base.

I have quotes between £200 and £300 ukp to rewire it.

Is it worth doing? or should I just install a plug at the end?

Out of interest is the PUA 7 a knife-edge or gimbal design?

My intention was/is to install it onto a SONY TTS8000
Just add plugs to the ends of the wires. I have been buying and trying tonearms for 40+ years. Never felt the urge or need to change the original wire!
Paying £200 or £300 for new wire is a rip-off! Your money is better spent on some nice LPs! 
lohanimal, what wire would the arm be rewired with?  If you can get it rewired with Audio Note silver wire for anywhere near the price you quote it is most definitely worth it.  Fantastic tonearm wire that will surprise with the improvement in sound.  Discovery wire is a good alternative if not quite as good.  
+1 on Audio Note silver Litz wire, if that’s what Frogman meant. But I would not pay a small fortune for it. Audio note tends to be over pricey.
Yes, silver Litz. The Audio Note UK wire; NOT the Kondo/Audio Note Japan wire which, as Lew says, can cost a small fortune. There is a bit of mystery around what exactly differentiates the two versions of the wire.  Some claim the Kondo is the best.  I use the AN UK wire in my ET2 and I think it is fantastic.