Audioquest NRG 10 power cord

Hi all,

Just want to get members thoughts and/or experiences with this cable. I would like to know if significant improvement was heard, how flexible is this cable, the dbs battery packs- how long they last, is replacements expensive etc, Is it best to hook it up between power amp and power conditioner or preamp and power conditioner? I'm thinking of hooking it up to my preamp to power conditioner but welcome any thoughts or experience hooking it up this way. Pros and the cons.
I will be buying this within the next couple of days. My dealer is offering me a great deal on this power cord and I feel its too good to pass up. Any recommendations on other AQ power cords to use like NRG 100 or 1000. Is the difference night and day to the NRG 10? I like the AQ
stuff for my system. Thanks in advance.

Does that mean the other cables (speaker, digital, analog etc) get upgraded in 2016 as well?
bo, have been told the same. Thanks for sharing. That's the biggest reason I'm waiting on power cords. I'm happy for now, overall, but will give their new line a shot. guardian, they are constantly upgrading their other lines. They are coming out with new names for many of their cables as they make their upgrades. You can Google and see all the new stuff they have added and they will be adding many more over the next couple of years. Top to bottom if you stay with DBS units, they should sound the best of all the cables on the market. The wire they use is special. I am not able to get into it, but you could use their wire and make awesome home brewed cables even without their teflon tubes geometry etc...yes they are that good.
The biggest differences are the airtubes. They make a big difference. I like those brands who do a lot of research for better cables!
Bo, I've heard the differences and totally agree. They leave nothing ignored. I have the Castle Rock and they sound much better than the cables they replaced. Can't wait to hear all the newer cables going forward.
I am very direct in what I say. I only say things when I know 100% sure that things are as they are. I am very demanding, also to the products I sell. I compare to create the best possible sound. I love Audioquest but it is not perfect, just like me!