A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:

Inquiring minds might want to know, how the High-End cable market all got started.  Expiring minds?   Well......   (http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/a-short-history-of-high-end-cables/)
@roxy54 : I too had Goldens IC's in '76. They were marketed by DiscWasher. And certainly looked and felt better than the $3 generic IC's! Later, in '78 I bought a full set of Verion Triaxial IC's. Designed by Mitchell Cotter - a friend of Saul Marantz, Sid Smith and Stu Hegeman (who're those guys? asks the younger generation). I still have the Verions!
The Verion Triaxial IC's cost $30/meter in 1978. And were considered real "Hi-End" gear! I also had the Verion P SUT with its captive Triaxial output IC.
Interesting. I never heard of the Verion Triaxial IC's; and I had forgotten that the Goldens were made by Discwasher. They did look great at the time didn't they? Black and round with (!) gold plated RCA's.
The way i see it is if the name is some kind of made up, long Fancy pants name. I pay no attention to it . Snake oil. 
Lets see some technical back up , they can't or the jig is up .  
So if electrical signal moves at the speed of light. And computers are 10 million times faster than the human brain . Do some math , how fast is light compared to sound?
  Far more can be done for placement and time alignment . Some of these goofs have half a million worth of stereo stuff in a room from hoarders and have the nerve to be able to comment . Or the stereo is slid to one side of a room . Or giant monitors jammed squarely into the corners with an arm rest of another chair obscuring the stage.  Or a fish tank between them .

 Any talk of how much they paid and how great their decision was is only feeding the guys with OCD  and money, to do even dumber things.