Best Used Speaker for Around $5000??

Any recommendations on speakers in the $4500-$6000 (used a'gon prices) if I upgrade my totem hawk speakers?? Keep in mind I have a fairly small room (16x10) and would want to stay with fairly efficient speakers due to Pass XA-30.5 is RATED for 30 watts but delivers WAY more than that. I don't want speakers that are too big and require a amp upgrade. The hawks are 6 Ohm and 86db

My system:

Pass Labs XA-30.5 amp
Pass Labs X0.2 preamp
Esoteric XO3-SE cd player
BPT 3.5 Ultra Sig. power conditioner
Totem Hawk speakers
AudioPath custom IC's and speaker cable
Shunyaa Python CX power cords
Do you think my XA-30.5 would be ok with the Daedalus Ulysses?
I'd suggest a phone conversation with Lou on that question -- I'm sure he'll give you a knowledgeable and honest answer.

While I have no experience with the Pass amps, fwiw my own feeling is that I can't imagine that they would not be a good match for either the Ulysses or the DA-RMa. Considering your room size and their high sensitivity, your amp would undoubtedly be running Class A nearly all the time. For any occasional brief peaks that might require more power than is available in Class A, you would have 130W available into the DA-RMa's 8 ohm nominal impedance, and somewhere in the vicinity of 160W into the Ulysses nominal 6 ohm impedance (extrapolating from Stereophile's measurements).

Lou has indicated that the new AP (all-poly) crossover option, although not inexpensive, among other things makes these speakers significantly easier to drive. But even without that option, people have used them successfully with everything from SET's and OTL's to high-powered SS amps. Check out the recent threads at his Audiocircle forum for comments by others, particularly the threads on "Synergistic Amplifiers" and on the "All-Poly Option."

Good luck!

-- Al
What is the used value of the Daedalus Ulysses???

I have an option to buy a used pair of Deadalus Ulysses speakers in Cherry with both the platforms and the box stands. About two years old in grade 9 condition. I can't find any blue book value or comparable preowned Ulysses to compare pricing. The seller and I are open to researching fair pricing but have not yet discussed specific numbers. I think they are around $11,000 new but they have undergone several manufacturer price increases in the past few years. Any opinions on what I should offer?? I was thinking maybe around $3750 - $4000. I want both parties of this transaction to get a fair deal.

Any input, recommendations, or feedback regarding preowned Deadalus Ulysses pricing please let me know.

Greg, $3750 - $4000 sounds very low to me.

For most of the past year, and possibly considerably longer, the price for a new pair of Ulysses in cherry with bases and stands has been $11,550 (of which $600 is for the bases and stands).

As far as I am aware there have been only two pairs of Ulysses sold here at Audiogon in the past year. I believe that both were in cherry, with bases and stands, and both were described as being in perfect condition. One was sold about 6 or 7 months ago, and was about a year old at that time. If I recall correctly, it was initially offered at around $8K. During the next week or two the asking price was lowered a few times, and I'm pretty certain it was in the area of $6K to $6.5K when it was marked "sold."

The other pair was sold a couple of months ago by member "Fig". I don't recall what the asking price was, and I don't know what it ended up selling for. You might want to contact him and ask.

Good luck!
-- Al
Since Daedalus speakers are not distributed through dealers, there is no dealer markup. Thus the actual value of their the parts and cabinetry is a much higher percentage of the retail price than it is for speakers that go through dealer networks. If the used prices are a higher percentage of full retail than for most speakers, this could be a contributing factor.