The Physics of Electricity

Can anyone explain clearly in either common parlance or technical terms the difference between a $1,000.00 cable and/or speaker wire versus a $20.00 (or so) one? What does wire "do" in an expensive cable/wire that an inexpensive cable/wire does not? Does it conduct more or "better" electricity?
@viridian, Part of my complicated Polish last name would correspond to "Frogman".  Kijanki means "tadpoles"  (makes me feel younger :) ).

Let’s look at the first electricity article published on the PS Audio website more closely. Here are two excerpts (in quotes) along with my comments.

“Also as we saw, the “signal” moves down the wire’s outer circumference, and not inthe wire. Therefore, the velocity of propagation of the signal (versus the velocity of the actual electrons) is determined by the dielectric or insulation material that the electromagnetic wave is predominantly traveling through. The slowing effect of the dielectric varies with frequency, throwing another variable into velocity of propagation—but giving us a way to play with it.”

>>>>>The signal moves (mostly) inside the wire. If it didn’t wire would not be directional and there would be no differences among conductors, or among purity of the metals. If it doesn’t make sense it’s not true. Furthermore, the signal doesn’t contain frequencies. It’s not the music waveform. The velocity of propagation is constant for a given conductor material, e.g., copper. That velocity is a high percentage of the speed of light.

“In one tested cable, the speed of a 20,000 Hz signal is about 110-million m/sec. The speed of a 20 Hz signal is about 5-million m/sec, or about 22 times slower. In other words, the impedance of a cable rises as we lower frequency due to the VP dropping, and capacitance value. Each is determined by the dielectric and the design spacing.”

>>>>>The “audio signal” is not a frequency nor does it have frequency components in it. The “audio signal” is a current, an electromagnetic wave. It is not (rpt not) the music waveform. We also know that the signal (electromagnetic wave) travels at different velocities in different materials. In copper the electromagnetic wave travels at a high percentage of the speed of light. That’s because the signal is composed of photons. In free space the electromagnetic signal, e.g., satellite signal, travels at the speed of light. We also know the drift velocity of electrons in copper is a constant. It can be calculated. It’s something like a meter per hour. And the direction of electron drift is the same as the direction of current, which alternates.

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Given how that the term determined is used, as in...

determined by the dielectric or insulation material

...and the definition of determined as used implies...

ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation

Mr Geoff has a point....and a good one....not to say there isn't some affect, which there is, but definitely not ascertained or established exactly....or wholly.

Just sayin’ eh.