Again the topic of weight of amps

I see this has been covered but not recently.
I have had a few amps in the 100+ pound range.
I liked them enormously but I am in a small space and am tired of dealing with these behemoths when I need to move them around and the real estate they take up. They were all wonderful in their way and I would like to have kept them but for their immobility. But can one find true love after such heavy weights with a feather weight 55 pounder?
Have technological advances in 2019 made such a thing possible? I had a pass 350.8 which I loved but you can't keep a Stonehenge rock in an apartment living room.

For years i used a Krell FPB 700cx as my main amp (180 lbs), moved it from the US to Europe, and took it for day long drives 
 on 3 occasions for repairs, swore i wold never go that heavy 
again. Now my main amp is a MBL 9011 (223 lbs) hoping to add
a second at some point. The Krell is still hanging around relegate
to subwoofer duty. Big amps just sound best in my system.
Go figure !
I hear you.  That's why I got Belles Aria monoblocks.  They are back- and apartment-friendly.
Hello roxy1927,

     You’re a perfect candidate for class D. Here’s an excellent pair of D-Sonic M3a-600-M mono-blocks for $2,150/pair, 800 watts at 8 ohms, 1,350 at 4 ohms,brand new, 3 year warranty, rca and xlr inputs,a 30-day free in-home trial period and 10 pounds each. Check out the specs, I think you’ll be surprised.

     I’ve been using the earlier model of these, the M3-600-M monos for about the last 4 years on a pair of Magnepan 2.7QRs and they sound very similar to my previous 85 pound Aragon class AB stereo amp but with better bass, a quieter background, more detail, better dynamics and an even smoother mid-range and treble. Mine are excellent amps and I believe these newer ones are even better. 
     They use so little juice I just leave them on 24/7. Of course, they’re not going to sound as good as your Pass 350.8 but they both combined weigh about 110 pounds less and they run much cooler. You may want to read some

Roxy, what you want is the Schiit Vidar x 2. An amp that is 22 lbs and does 400 watts in mono block mode.

Only caveat is it needs to be connected to the pre with XLR cables for mono operation. Class a/b, made in USA, 5 yr warranty. Worth a look.  
Get a "feather-weight" 55 pounder, it will still sound better than any cheap chip amp, and will have a BOM far more commensurate with the price.