For the sake of the thread and I've listened to both speakers while we haven't gotten an answer from the op I bought a pair of persona 7f's. Compared to the salon 2 in my room using a hegel h360 and roon nucleus streaming music off tidal the 7f is an easier load and in my room puts out much better bass. Both speakers excel in resolution and sound more alike than different above 200 hz but their size and weight are nearly identical and prices are pretty close also...imaging and soundstaging are different the persona more intimate the salon more open, preferences will be personal. I like to rock and speakers have to be able to rock without shrieking and still have high resolution for low volume easy listening sessions. I heard the 7f paired with the anthem str integrated and thought they were correct, but lifeless again with the str separates was more impressive, super tight but still the lower mids seemed a little light then I heard them with a pathos logos mk2 and it really came together. I got lucky that I found the magic combo on someone else's dime in case I ever get used to how they sound with the hegel.