Herron VTPH-2A Phono Preamp....anyone familiar?

Hi just reaching out to get any input/feedback  on the Herron VTPH-2A Phono Preamp.   While I'm happy with my existing Parasound JC3 Jr., someone recommended the Herron, so I got intrigued, as I've never run into, nor listened to, any Herron products.  
Thks, Jim

@uberwaltz again I'll ask why not just get the matching power supply for about 850? It will give you more detail, depth and bass definition. This only if you still find the PH10 still to your liking.
Reports from two members who have the matching ps to the ph10 is that it really has not helped out over much.
Not in the bass or details department.
At least not $850 worth by all accounts.

And going back a couple of years I was set on a tube phono, just was not really going to match up well with then present amp.
Now I am pretty much wide open on choice, and still have a hankering to try out a tube phono.
Do not mistake me, the ph10 is still an excellent phono and I love its flexibility.

However I have moved away from exotic lomc carts tbh and likely just going to,play with various mm and vintage mm carts so do not truly need the gain the ph10 has available.

And there is that tube itch which I feel compelled to scratch......
The VTPH-2A uses 12at7 & 12ax7 tubes, can any body please tell me what tube brand Keith supplied/preferred for the VTPH-2A? Thx