Sealing ported enclosure to reduce boom

Is sealing ports and adding fill an option if you have ported cabinets that are boomy? Just got some Kappa 8.1 and bass is boomy and unrealistic. I like my Kappa 7 better which is sealed but the 8.1 has some interesting drivers.
>08-24-10: Ifsixwasnin9
Great responses. Actually I stuffed the ports then I took out the woofer to see what was in the cabinet and the woofer is completely sectioned-off with pieces of foam! So I have to find out where the port is getting its bass from: I have to remove the other drivers.

Low frequency waves will go right through the foam. High frequency waves won't. So driver output in the port's pass-band excites its resonance, but higher frequencies off the backside of the driver (which are obviously 180 degrees out of phase with what's coming off the front side) don't escape from the port.
my boominess problem went away with installing morrow audio interconnects. maybe bass or signal smearing is the problem. i never quit trying to find solutions to these less than earth shaking[ha] situations. thanks
Trying the post sealing is a free experiment.Doing this may kill of the low frequency's too.I'd consider the placement idea for sure.
Acquaintance of mine tried the sock in the port thing in brand new speakers. Blew out when he cranked it up. Well, that became a game of how far the sock could fly. Two weeks later, the speakers went in for warranty repairs. Just an anecdote.