I would refrain from recommending a specific amplifier, especially without knowing about the room the speakers are going to be in, the source components, etc. But regarding Wilson Audio, their speakers are VERY revealing of everything in a recording, good and bad. The second rule I would say is (typically) their impedance drops really low and they don't design them any other way. If the new tweeters they're using is an improvement over the Focal's they used to use (and modify), you should have a wider range of equipment you can match them to. And as much as I hate to sound snobbish, but a CLEAN amp that doesn't "sizzle" in the treble region usually costs more. It has to drive the speaker effortlessly all day and all night. One last thing- cables are important, but...here's where the snake oil is overly abundant- especially power cords. Also, It is almost impossible to plug an amp into anything but the wall. Let the amp clean up your power- most of them do this.